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Health and Safety

Environmental Protection & Safety Assurance

In its business operations, Nippon Marine recognizes that its top priorities are ensuring the safety of its employees, its ships and their cargo, and helping preserve the global environment. We have thus set up the Environment & Safety Office under the direct control of the President, to oversee Companywide initiatives in these two areas.
    Safety matters are overseen by the Safety Council, whose members comprise ship owners and representatives of both the ship captains and Nippon Marine as the operating company. By raising issues at this council and implementing concrete measures, we are working to improve safety awareness. We have also put a safety management system in place to quickly and appropriately respond to accidents. We make sure that an accident investigation committee thoroughly investigates the causes of any accidents in order to prevent recurrence.
    For the environmental protection, we have installed relatively “clean” engines that emit low levels of nitrogen and sulfur oxides (NOx and SOx) and meet the criteria of the Air Pollution Control Law. We are also building new vessels with energy-efficient engines. Nippon Marine transports south-sea lumber from Papua New Guinea. Instead of cutting trees in natural forests, which could lead to environmental destruction, we use trees grown on dedicated timber plantations, which require at least twenty years until maturity.

A fully grown stand of kamerere trees (a type of eucalyptus) in Papua New Guinea

A companywide emergency response exercise based on the Code of Safety Management
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